Health and Self-Care


Inner Balance for an Effective Life for Professionals
by Tresidder, Andrew | Non-fiction; Lifestyle; Sciences
Paperback | 190 pages

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Ask the general public “Do Health Professionals know all about Health?” – and many people will say “Of course they do”. Ask a hundred people how they are – and they say “Fine”. Fearful, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotionally Imbalanced (Denial). Ask a hundred doctors, nurses, mothers or managers how they are – and they can’t answer – they’re too busy putting oxygen masks onto other people (metaphorically) – (Displacement).

These two D’s lead into Doctor’s occupational Illnesses – the Three D’s – Drink, Drugs and Depression – as well as Distress, Despair, Disillusionment, Discipline, Debt, Divorce or Death. But if we understand the territory, we don’t have to sleepwalk into danger – we can take proactive steps to achieve and maintain our own health, and to have a successful journey in life.

Our aim is to empower you. Health Professionals learn many things about illness and disease – about car crashes. We learn much less about health – how to avoid car crashes, by sensible driving, good vehicle maintenance, wise navigation and careful road design. This free book aims to explore the concept of health, cover some of the areas we wish we’d learnt at Medical School, and encourage you to explore further! – and help you help yourself! Please enjoy!

Health and Self Care is compiled by Dr Andrew Tresidder, a GP and GP Appraiser with experience in Medical School teaching (Bristol), Pastoral Care and support of Doctors (SouthWest England), and past Mental Health, Police and Prison work. He has shared widely on Health and Self Care for the BMA Local Engagement Project, NHS England RO’s and Appraisers, GPs and GP Trainers, SAS Doctors, Consultants, F1’s, Medical Students and other professional groups.

Half of the proceeds from the book will be donated to the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund.